Authentic Male Garlic (3 Units)
Authentic Male Garlic (3 Units)
Male Garlic has been known since ancient times as a ritual element due to its many esoteric uses.
As an amulet: to obtain money, fame and fortune; An infinite number of powers are attributed to male garlic, among others, vitality for work, intelligence, and good luck in general.
Relief for all types of pain, remedy for ailments and good luck in love.
Garlic wards off bad influences and attracts prosperity.
When an incense is made with male garlic, all the bad spirits in a place are scared away. Strings or separate heads of garlic are usually placed behind doors and windows to prevent negativity from entering homes.
On the other hand, it is very useful for rituals: protection against witchcraft, protection, moorings, defenses against envy and the evil eye.