Hiperico Esoteric Herb, San Juan
Hiperico Esoteric Herb, San Juan
Also known as St. John's wort, hypericon or little heart, it has earned a place in magic for being one of the most protective herbs, being used for centuries to ward off and expel any negative entity such as spirits, ghosts, black shadows and all. action considered as a work of the devil.
To achieve this protection, a few branches of the grass must be hung in a place where energy passes through, such as doors or windows, and even used on the body as a necklace or bracelets and in protective bags.
The magical herbs of Saint John owe their name to John the Baptist, from whom he is supposed to have inherited the power, although the use of the herb in Celtic and Saxon cultures dates back several centuries before the appearance of John the Baptist, being used to erase any astral influence in people with any imbalance.
(Decoration items not included)